SONG OF THE UNIVERSE: (“Amazing Journeys Magazine,” Issue 9, Fall, 2005.) Do Robots have souls? Do they like Beethoven? Classical music? Composing? Or are lube jobs more their thing? This question answered and more in this complete “Editor’s Choice” awarded and “Fountain Award” nominated science fiction (SF) short story. Click the picture and read!
BREAKDOWN: (“Amazing Journeys Magazine,” Issue 12, Summer, 2006.)
Late for a meeting and stranded on a futuristic highway. Will the robots risk rusting in the rain and help him before it’s too late? Click the pic and find out in this complete SF short story.
JANIBOTS, INCORPORATED: (“Unparalleled Journeys: Tales From the Writers of Amazing Journeys Magazine,” Journey Books Publishing, 2005.) So you want a ‘Bot to put a little order and cleanliness in your otherwise disorderly and slovenly existence? Bad idea. Click the pic and read the excerpt from this well reviewed SF Novella to feel good about your chores again.
BLENDED ISOLATION: (“Unparalleled Journeys II,” Journey Books Publishing, 2007) A young man risks the death sentence to escape the orbital “Hives” and “blend” into Earth’s geriatric population. Click the pic and read the excerpt from this SF short story to find out why gray hair can be so much more than just a fashion statement.
HOME DE-OFFENSE: (“Amazing Journeys Magazine,” Fall, 2004,Volume 2, Issue 5.) Cyrus Willbarger wanted the perfect home defense system to protect his spoon collection. Should he have bought a pooch instead? Click the pic and read the excerpt for clues in this SF short story that’s anything but a dog.
SPECIAL DELIVERY: (“Amazing Journeys Magazine,” Spring, 2006, Issue 11) A day in the life of a Factory manufacturing a product you really, really don’t want to buy… So buy the SF short story instead. Click the pic and read the excerpt here.
EVOLUTION WAVE: (“Amazing Journeys Magazine,” Winter, 2003, Volume 1: Issue 2) Who knew robots like to surf? CLick the pic and ride the wave in this SF short story excerpt that’s “like, totally tubular, dude.”
ANNWYN: (“Enchantments: The Many Facets of Magic,” Epic Saga Publishing, Brewer, Maine, 2009) A deserted town deep within a lake. Our hero trapped beneath the waves, never to breath air again. And his love: a haunted young lady who hears strange voices calling her into the “Deeps.” At least she’s beautiful. Click the pic and read the excerpt from the Fantasy short story here.